England-Suffolk Flag

Shingle Street >  Google™ Map Sep 2016+  Suffolk Coat of Arms

shingle + street Unknown what it says. Population - 69.

England-Suffolk Flag UK > England > Suffolk

Sep 2016+

Suffolk Coat of Arms

If ever a place was more aptly named, it's yet to be heard of although New-castle ain't too hard to figure.

Having said that, Shingle Street should really be Shingle Road because the buildings are just on one side only Shingle Road makes it sound like the road's made of shingle.

Saying that, there's actually a bit of a gap between the beach and the road so it should really be called Shingle-on-Road but that makes it sound like there's some shingle on the road. Road-near-Shingle? Let's be honest, that's not even a thing.

Directions aren't strictly necessary since it's at the end of the single road in, or shouldn't that be the shingle road in, eh?

Just call it Shingle Street man!

A former fishing village, the population was evacuated during World War II just prior to a propaganda-fuelled rumour that a German invasion was repelled here.

After the war, people decided largely not to return and the single row of beachfront buildings remain unsurrounded of any development.

Shingle Street
Shingle Street - Coastguard Cottages

That includes these ones, previously used as a coastguard lookout station. This being post-Brexit™, they want to take that EU flag down...

I don't know, they come over here nicking our obs.

  Suffolk Coast Path

This 50-mile, long-distance walk passes along here but don't dismiss the flattest area of England. There's a fair bit of it on this type of terrain and it can be confirmed to be a right calf-killer.

If you're walking from Felixstowe, you're only about five miles in with another 45-or-so to go to Lowestoft. If you're coming from Lowestoft then congratulations, it's only another five to Felixstowe but you've been going the wrong way, anyways.

There's not an awful lot more to see here... apart from these nutjobs!

Shingle Street - Kiteboarders

Doing some wetsuit-clad para-aqua-surf-fly-sailing or something just off the sandbanks. It's now known to be called Kiteboarding and quite a number of them make parking nearly impossible in the cosy car park.

This was no doubt due to today's conditions and what with the wind whipping up, do you know what? It looked blummin' brilliant!

Right then, time to get off now, off to do some seat-cake-eating. There's nowhere near as much equipment involved, just take a seat and order some cake and well, it's thought you can figure the rest.
