England-Worcestershire Flag

Bewdley >  Google™ Map Nov 2014+  Bewdley Coat of Arms

beau beautiful + lieu French place. Population - 9,470.

England-Worcestershire Flag UK > England > Worcestershire

Nov 2014+

Bewdley Coat of Arms

The place name suggests beautiful but, just like the straddled River Severn, that might be gushing it a bit. There's an immediate sense of it from Dog Lane Car Park but this is just a brief stop on the way to somewhere else.

Bewdley - River Severn

The handsome-looking high street gets just a passing glance making this more about the water with a little local history thrown in and it's bet you can't wait for that, right readers?

The car park leads to the quay, which leads to the bridge, which leads to, well, nowhere in particular unless you live in Kidderminster.

Bewdley - River Severn

This body of water bloats and severe flooding on the River Severn now looks to be a regular event. Spending a little bit of time in the locale, where doesn't?

Having lapped over the top of the handrail and tables once too often, a well-disguised flood barrier was installed along the quayside in 2006.

Bewdley Quayside
Bewdley Quayside

Can you see it? Not really? Exactly! Job done good and it looks to have just about held in February 2020. They didn't fare quite so well over the bridge but that's alright because Boris, remember him, will visit and make it all better, eh?

When it's not so wet, Bewdley's a fine-looking location with plenty of options to drink and dine but you may find yourself enticed by the local museum that's hidden behind an old butchers on Load Street.

That's because it's free, you see, and there's at least an hour's worth in here. All of your local history alongside an air-raid shelter and a herb garden. Throw in some crafty folk and a café and that all represents pretty good value.

As if that wasn't enough, there's access to a walled garden with a tree covered in knitting in it. At least there was on this visit, some post-research suggests this might have been a one-off cast-off.

Back in the car park, this also sounds to be a destination for Sunday-ing Black Country-ers, the place was packed with 'em!

The local listings had to be checked see that Slade hadn't reformed and weren't doing a warm-up gig back in the Cock and Magpie.

Bewdley - Cock and Magpie

'Ar codding yows!'

  Bewdley Brewery (Lax Lane)

Locally hopped and located in Lax Lane in the Bewdley Craft Centre. They've largely a local presence but it's not known if that extends to the Cock and Magpie.

  The George Hotel (Load Street) wetherspoon

The Spoons have a tradition of naming their pubs based on the history of the town or the old building they invariably inhabit. The inevitable offering in a town of this size is called the George Hotel because, well, it has been the George Hotel since the early 1600s.

There are no awards for their nearly-out-of-date ale and none for the Director of Contrived Waterhole Naming, neither, who was clearly on holiday or couldn't be bothered to get out of bed that day. Whoever deputised on the decision is getting an immediate (0/5) for a lack of imagination and they might as well have stayed in bed themselves that morning.

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