England-Cornwall Flag

Newlyn >  Google™ Map Nov 2017+  Cornwall Coat of Arms

lu fleet + lydn Cornish pool. Population - 4,432.

England-Cornwall Flag UK > England > Cornwall

Nov 2017+

Cornwall Coat of Arms

You too will think you're artists now, just because you've been to the Minack Theatre this morning so where better to head to than Newlyn, home of the famous Newlyn School, apparently.

A 'colony' of turn-of-the-20th-century painters that you've largely never heard of but Bob's only gone and done it again and missed the turning down Chywoone Hill that's now too steep and narrow to turn around. Idiot!

Turns out the Newlyn School of Art is just that, a school that teaches art so there's nothing to see or do there unless you're waving an easel. It's said there's nothing to see there, it looks like they do a nice line in life drawing classes and yes, that's thought to mean an old man in the nuddy.

That's a reminder, must get some sun-dried tomatoes © Last night's Inside No 9.

  Newlyn Art Gallery (New Road)

None of your Newlyn School mind, you'll have to head to Penlee House in Penzance for that. Things are much more modern here but still largely drawn and another larger venue, also in Penzance, caters for all of that contemporary nonsense that they have nowadays.

They've two reasons to boast here, England's most southerly town and England's largest fishing port, whatever that means exactly. Square footage? Workers? Vessels? Cod?

The large harbour down on the grandly named Strand is the main attraction where things are fairly, erm, functional with plenty of options to source some fresh fish straight off the dock, probably,

Newlyn Harbour
Newlyn - Strand

The gulls are a sign that someone's unloading somewhere but you'll have to be here at 4 AM to barter with the big boys.

Newlyn - Strand
Newlyn Harbour

The distribution network extends up to Birmingham and the whole place has the whiff of a working port.

  Duke Street Café (Duke Street)

Shunning the seafood for something more 'traditional', the modern frontage of Warrens Bakery, not shown, might catch the eye and this South West version of Gregg™s claims to be the world's 'best' and 'oldest' pasty maker themselves extending too up towards Birmingham.

This cosy tearoom, however, has outdoor seating next to a small car park and although they might cite problems with the 'chef' as the reason for the delay, they've really just forgotten all about you.

Newlyn - Near Duke Street Café

I mean, who sits outside in November? At least it's handy for your lodgings, which could be best described as, erm, budget.

Newlyn is part of Penzance, really, and not too far east of it you'll find St. Michael's Mount.

It's fairly well known, of course, although it could be argued that a couple in France are more famous even if you have to pay Disney™ to see one of them up close.

You can walk to this one when the tide's oot or take a boat but neither of them are happening today. That's because, once you're there, the National Trust™ will charge £15 a pop for a combined ticket to the castle and garden.

That's £2 more than they charge back at Newlyn Art School to paint an old man in the nuddy!

That's a reminder, looks like it'll have to be St Ives for those sun-dried tomatoes.

As for Disney™, rather remarkably the Copyright Law of France doesn't allow photographs of buildings until 70 years after the death of the architect. Given that Walt nicked the idea from St. Aubert, who was knocking around in the 8th century, this is thought to be thoroughly unfair and the stance on Brexit™ has been completely reconsidered.
