England-Cornwall Flag

Porth >  Google™ Map Nov 2017+  Cornwall Coat of Arms

porth Cornish port, cove. Population - 2,000.

England-Cornwall Flag UK > England > Cornwall

Nov 2017+

Cornwall Coat of Arms

So it's a suburb of Newquay, really, although the parish of St Columb might lay claim. Named from the patron saint of the SI unit of electric charge, not really, the village of St Columb Minor is the nearest inland neighbour and slightly further to the east, St Columb Major trumpets its town status.

Neither claim to be tourist hot-spots, catering for those who can still afford to live and work in Cornwall, probably, so the change isn't nearly so strange from  Major to Minor.

Light jazz and O-Level Physics aside, today's drop-in is dictated by the daylight or at least what's left of it. With the clocks not long gone back, there's not too much time until twilight but more on that in a minute.

Here on the coast, the paid parking at the Porth Beach Holiday Park accommodates you and all of the other holidaymakers.

Porth Beach Holiday Park

It will when everything reopens next March, more like, so how they have the nerve to charge full fare today hasn't quite been figured.

Too cold in November to get out the crop tops, Porth's main attraction appears to be a top outcrop.

Porth - Trevelgue Head

A promontory, some jutting rocks, and, in about half an hour's time, they'll be getting a right good looking at.

  Newquay Football Golf (Watergate Road)

The concept is semi-familiar but down here it looks to be the national sport. There are quite a few around these parts and this one is right at the start of your way out to the rocks.

Porth - Newquay Football Golf

At least it was until it was relegated to division permanently closed although there are other options elsewhere. It all still sounds a bit strenuous, though, so how about Shot-Put-Ping-Pong? Anyone?

There's fun for fans of all ages on what's now known to be called Trevelgue Head with evidence of the Iron, Bronze and even Stone Age settlements unearthed.

There's a bit of a lug up to what's obviously a classic, Bronze Age barrow, obviously, that involves crossing a wooden bridge, not shown, over what was likely once linked by land.

Porth - Trevelgue Head
Porth - Trevelgue Head

There's another summit over a natural gap that, it has to be said, was just about borderline for these wobblies even if there's a rewarding view up the coast nearly to Devon.

Early 20th-century visitors were looking down and not out, to sea, too busy looking for treasure during a series of extensive excavations. The archaeology had to be abandoned at the outbreak of World War II and the findings have only recently come to light and speaking of light...

  South West Coast Path

If you're walking England's longest National Trail anticlockwise from Minehead, you're just over 190 miles in with 440-or-so to go to Dorset If you're coming from Dorset then well done but it's still about 190 miles to Minehead.

If you live on the east coast of England but don't hail from Hunstanton, watery sunsets just ain't happening. Here in the South West, there's nothing but water until Newfoundland, which means, come sundown, they are often, quite frankly, just showing off.

Porth - Newquay from Trevelgue Head
Porth - Newquay from Trevelgue Head

Relax thrillseekers, the fleshpots of Newquay aren't on fire, you'll have to wait until the youths invade in July for that. Today it's just the effect of this late-afternoon light.

  Roo's Beach (Alexandra Road)

Not just a coffee shop, as first thought, but an 'independent lifestyle emporium'.

Porth - Roo's Beach

That means while Sly is browsing, you can check out the menu at Estrella Morada, the tapas restaurant next door.

Meanwhile, back in Porth, it's clear why the holiday parks are here. The beach is at the head of a natural inlet and this protection provides family-friendly bathing with no surfers, dogs or surfing dogs, presumably, in summer.

Porth Beach
Porth Beach

That clearly doesn't apply in November.

There's an even better view of the place on the way back from Trevelgue Head and, with the sunset providing the backlight, just for once, there was no need to dust down the PhotoShop™ diskette.

Porth - From Trevelgue Head
  The Mermaid Inn (Alexandra Road)

As dining options go, it's either tapas and chorizo, smoky, or pub chicken curry and karaoke here at the Mermaid. They're right on the beach so there aren't many better places to watch a sunset although outside might just pip it.

What's What
 Cornwall FootballGolf
 Porth Beach Holiday Park
 Roo's Beach
Where's Where