Italy-Veneto Flag

Murano >  Google™ Map Sep 2014+  Veneto Coat of Arms

murano Unknown ? Population - 5,000.

Italy-Veneto Flag Italy > Veneto

Sep 2014+

Veneto Coat of Arms

The island of Murano is just a 10-minute hop from Venice and looks like a smaller, emptier version of it.

Murano - Fondamenta dei Vetrai
Murano - Cometa di Vetro

There are, however, some strategically placed sculptures and over a bridge and next to a clock tower, the Cometa di Vetro catches the eye in particular.

Sly was already familiar but this knocker of the knick-knack had never even heard of Murano glass. Centuries old and famous worldwide, apparently, a couple of dozen factories still manufacture on the island, which is essentially a theme park to the colourful, yet delicate, silicate.

Now, Bob is a big fan of the glass but normally with something pale and hazy with a head on it in it. The word 'tat' may have been used in the past to describe such a scenario but not today. It's all fairly fancy, you see, and €10,000 will secure you that new chandelier.

  Bar Da lce (Fondamenta Marco Giustinian)

Lots of restaurants here but this is one of your few options for a snack. Next to the Santa Maria church and some seating out the side.

Quite a few of the manufacturer's factories can be found east of the canal that splits the main bit of Murano in two. Most of them seem to lay on guided tours and demonstrations with an inevitable outlet trying to shift you some, not too tatty, glass.

You'll possibly pass this, another public display of transparency on your way down to the ferry at the Faro di Murano from where you can continue your island hopping adventure.

The lighthouse still works since they're famous for their winter fogs here but they've missed a trick, up there, with the glass. Instead of that clear stuff, what about some of the colourful home-blown? That way the world's biggest disco could be had!

'  Once I had a love and it was a gas / Soon turned out was Murano glass.'

  Chiesa dei Santi Maria e Donato (Campo San Donato)

For no other reason than it looked quite eye-catching from the outside.

Murano - Chiesa dei Santi Maria e Donato

Nothing can be told of the internals but they presumably had no problem sourcing the stained glass?
