Italy-Veneto Flag

Burano >  Google™ Map Sep 2014+  Veneto Coat of Arms

burano Unknown ? Population - 2,777.

Italy-Veneto Flag Italy > Veneto

Sep 2014+

Veneto Coat of Arms

You can alight, if you like, one stop short at the island of Mazzorbo for no other reason than, well, you've come to Venice and you can.

Highlights on there include fieldfuls of artichokes and Casanova's, no less, former pad although they look to be hidden behind the wall along the Fondamenta di Santa Caterina.

Follow the quay round to cross the footbridge and that's the last you'll see of Mazzorbo. Don't even think of sailing back from here, the vessel will be rammed with the rest of today's trippers, already boarded at Burano.

  Mazzorbo Ferry Terminal (Fondamenta di Santa Caterina)

Line 12 gets you here from Venice via Murano if rhyming islands are your thing. Incidentally, is it fieldfuls or fields full? Nobody else seems to know, neither, making it a nightmare trying to sustain this nonsense and that's an hour that won't be gotten back.

Over the bridge and onto Burano, it's soon evident that, just like her rhyming sister, Murano, this one too is a riot of colour. Unlike her sibling, however, it's not the see-through but the lived-in and the colours are all carefully controlled by the council.

Burano - Riva dei Santi
Burano - Fondamenta Pontinello

That means when you get them lottery numbers up and decide to up sticks, you can forget all about painting yours like an English Manor.

Burano - Golf Links Road

It's like they went to Westward Ho! but said pah! to the pastels, go and get the glossy stuff out, Giuseppe.

The canals might not be so grand as Venice's but you could wander round here for a week.

Burano - Fondamenta San Mauro
Burano - Parrocchia di San Martino

The only respite from the glorious backdrop is the comparatively dull Parrocchia di San Martino and could do with a colourful lick, a nice Cardinal Red, perhaps?

With the sun now out, this is like being on proper holiday with the place much less packed than expected.

Burano - Rio Terrà del Pizzo

Plenty of options to shop, sip and snack along the pedestrianised Via Baldassarre Galuppi and that large, public square will have you thinking you're on the mainland.

Just a Dash of Nutmeg on that cappuccino thanks and... WOW! That sorbet doesn't half pack a Lemon Punch.

Except you're not on the mainland, of course, and if you venture to the edge, that's very much a lagoon being sat in.

Burano - Fondamenta Cao di Rio a Sinistra

Despite it being over 200 square miles in size, most of the Venetian Lagoon is no more than five foot deep but that's not to say it's safe to swim in.

What with the tides and the mud, you'd have to be a Classic Duck Egg to take a dip and the dirty water, they say, might bring on a Volcanic Splash... both ends!

This snap has been taken by someone else who took the Apples and Pears to the top of the bell tower on Torcello, another of the island options.

No time for that today, it's off to catch a ferry but first to find a Farmacia. I've been sat out in that sun too long and things are starting to tingle.

Tomorrow, like a typical Englishman abroad in summer, Bob'll be looking a right Strawberry Fool.

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